Stinker’s Fishin’: Ain’t it the truth!

Dad Ron Aldwell (56cm fish).

AIN’T it the truth – the youngest member of the family catches the biggest fish.

It happens time and time again.

Holidaying from Gladstone, QLD with their grandparents the Jones’s in Tea Gardens, young Bayley Aldwell and dad Ron hit the water around Corrie Island in the hope of catching a cracker Port Stephens flathead.

Tossing lures around the weed beds and whammo! Ron was on to a solid 56cm dusky.

Soon after, Bayley hooked a thumping 86cm flatty that nearly pulled him out of the boat.

The big fish was released to fight another day.

If there is a better place to spend a fishing holiday with the family I would like to know where it is.

To my way of thinking Port Stephens has it all, from crabs in the Karuah River to monster snapper over the offshore reefs and around the islands.

Whiting are busy on the beaches, bream swarming through the port and mulloway off the beaches, around Fingal Island and inside the port under the Karuah Bridge.

By John ‘Stinker’ CLARKE

Son Bayley (86cm flatty).

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