Steve Tucker to run again for Port Stephens Council

‘Vulture for culture’: Steve with Dee Taylor and Lloyd Hogg at the annual Port Stephens Literature Awards presentation which Steve has supported over such a long time.


AFTER 17 years of community service on Port Stephens Council, Councillor Steve Tucker was looking forward to a break but has changed his mind.

“Helen and I were contemplating some overseas travel,” Cr Tucker said.

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“But with Covid putting our plans on hold for the foreseeable future, I decided to recontest Central Ward to follow through on the major projects which I’ve worked on for over so many years,” he stated.

Cr Tucker said, if given another term, he would continue to focus on delivering “big ticket” roads and infrastructure spends.

“All those years ago I threw my hat in the ring as there was a hard core leftie/greenie mob on Council wasting ratepayers’ money.

“I ran on a roads, roads, roads platform and won easily,” he remarked.

“It’s not easy securing roads funding as the other councillors fight tooth and nail to get as much money spent in their wards,” he said.

“With the next Council term being short due to the covid deferral, I will be able to oversee the big ticket roads and infrastructure spends that are now set in concrete for our forward works funding allocations,” he added.

With so many years of Council service under his belt, Cr Tucker says he knows what the people of Central Ward and Port Stephens want from their Council.

“Ratepayers don’t want ‘pie in the kky’ projects.

“It’s roads, roads, roads drainage and more roads.

“These are Council’s traditional prime concerns and have been mine as well.

“I look forward to following through on these projects after the December election,” he concluded.

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