Steve Tucker provides steady leadership

Steve Tucker relaxing at the Lemon Tree Passage foreshore.
Steve Tucker relaxing at the Lemon Tree Passage foreshore.


STEVE Tucker, who quit the Liberal Party 12 months ago because of the loss to the region of tens of thousands of jobs and the botched council amalgamation legislation, says he could provide the steady hand to lead the council into a new era.

The 63-year-old from Tanilba Bay was first elected to council in 2004 and says he can provide the firm hand needed to bring councillors in line.

“Because of the shenanigans over the past five years, the council has not been able to achieve what it has set out to do,” Mr Tucker, a central ward councillor, said.

“I have the expertise and the corporate knowledge to ensure every councillor is given a fair opportunity to show their abilities and play their part.

“I consider myself to be a hands-on person, I like to lead by example … it is something that I have done throughout my career in IT.”

With an honours degree in metallurgy and a masters in engineering, the recently retired Mr Tucker says he now has more time to devote to his local government duties.

“I am quite proud of the list of achievements on council, particularly the improvements to the Lemon Tree Passage foreshore, new fire stations at Tanilba Bay, Salt Ash and Anna Bay and work with men’s sheds, surf clubs, Medowie Sport & Recreation club and roads.

“For the future I would like to help establish a cultural centre in Raymond Terrace, plan town squares in both the Terrace and Tanilba Bay, a ferry service from Lemon Tree to Nelson Bay and rail link from the airport to Hexham.”

Mr Tucker said he would look forward to seeing some new faces on the council, but warned newcomers of being overzealous.

“We have heard from some of them already … they can talk the talk, but let’s see if they can walk the walk.”

Mr Tucker, married with three children, has on his councillor ticket Medowie’s Ben Niland as his number two and Medowie businessman John Robinson number three.


By: Charlie ELIAS

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