Starting environmental lessons early

Sally, Roseanne, Nat and Dan oversee a turtle release. Photo by Marian Sampson.

SALAMANDER Early Education, also known as Salamander Child Care Centre, is a not-for-profit centre committed to providing children with a safe space where they can play, learn and grow on Worimi land.

News Of The Area spoke with the team about the support the centre and education provided around the rescue and release of Beryl the green sea turtle.

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“Last year the children were inspired by a book called ‘Duffy’s Lucky escape’,” Roseanne told NOTA.

In the book Duffy the green sea turtle is hurt in the ocean, rescued, rehabilitated and released.

“That really resonated with the children being close to the water here,” said Roseanne.

Each year the students fundraise for causes that are important locally, such as looking after the ocean and spreading awareness to their families,” she said.

“We are currently selling plastic-free Port Stephens water bottles, and reusable coffee cups.”

In the past the kindergarten has raised funds to sponsor a green sea turtle and a dolphin.

Books and toys come with the sponsorships, which the children engage with at the childcare centre and also at home.

“They have been undertaking sustainable adventures; activism and changemaking is starting right at a grassroots level for the children,” said Roseanne

The centre also has a fish sculpture to help children understand the journey between rubbish in our streets and environment and it flowing into our waterways.

Learning about the environment is a key part of the curriculum at the centre.

Highlighting environmental science including the effects of rain and rubbish through hands-on experiments.


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