St Patricks Day Birthday



HAWKS Nest resident Keith Denham likes to claim St Patricks Day as his own, the reason, it’s also his birthday.

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This year Keith turned 95 and family and friends helped him celebrate the occasion at the Tea Gardens Hotel, among the gathering Keith’s good mate, Geoff True.

“Keith is an incredible man who has more stories and yarns than the Encyclopaedia Britannica and is quite happy to share his stories and if you have a good one, he has a better one,” Geoff said.

For many years, Keith has been the ‘Doyen’ of the so called ‘Table of Knowledge,’ holding court in the ‘fishbowl’ at the pub.
Geoff too has many stories to tell about the man himself, “Last year at age 94 Keith retired from playing golf with the Tuesday Vets at Hawks Nest Golf Club as he felt his game maybe was overshadowing many of the younger players and he wanted to give them a chance to not feel threatened and rise to the top and blossom.”

“Keith has a son and daughter-in-law in Tea Gardens that act as his slaves in taking him to appointments, camping up the river, and to the pub three times a week to meet his subjects.”

“He is still mobile on his scooter and would love to “tune it up” for more oomph!”

On his birthday, Keith had umpteen messages from his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren and is looking forward to getting a message of congratulations from the Queen in five years time.

As for the birthday boy, he enjoyed every minute, “I should have a birthday every day, I got kisses from the women and the occasional man and I didn’t once have to pay for a beer”.


By: Margie TIERNEY

One thought on “St Patricks Day Birthday

  1. Gidday all you in Tea Gardens. Keith Denham is a very old and very personal friend of many many years. We uaad to keep contact on the phone a couple of times a year but for the past two or three years I could get no reply from his home number. Is he still living at the same address? Any chance you could pass on a contact number to reach him. He always called me Mister Vince. Great to hear he is still going. Thanks in advance for any joy you can give me. Yours, Vince Gattenhof.

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