St Michael’s Pyjama Day raises support for Vinnies Winter Appeal

Some very comfy ‘Mini Vinnies’ kids with donations that will make winter warmer for people in need.

THE students and staff of St Michael’s Primary School in Nelson Bay took ‘Casual Friday’ to a new height on 21 June with their annual Pyjama Day.

Everyone was encouraged to attend school for the day dressed for bed.

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“This is the second year we’ve held this event,” said St Michael’s Principal Helen Bourne.

“It’s been something that everyone gets very enthusiastic about.”

Ashleigh Diemar is a parent of two students at St Michaels, and says her daughters had talked about little else in the week before ‘Pyjama Day’.

“They were literally counting the days,” she said.

“They were so excited, they were saying: ‘We won’t have to take time to get ready for school on Friday, Mum!’”

The event was more than just an excuse for a slightly lazy morning; it formed the heart of St Michael’s contribution to the St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal, an annual nation-wide fundraiser held by the charitable organisation connected with the Catholic Church.

“In addition to coming to school in their PJs,” said Helen Bourne, “everyone was encouraged to donate something warm that would help people living in difficult circumstances, or make a small donation.

“It was something that involved our Mini Vinnies kids, and we’re really proud of how well they did.”

The Mini Vinnies are a collective of students who help organise events for the school that raise funds and awareness about issues such as homelessness.

“Of course it’s a lot of fun for the kids, but it’s also a great opportunity to help them to understand the hardship that some families have to live with.”

Along with an impressive number of blankets and warm clothes, the students donated $430 to help keep people warm in a particularly cold winter.

By Lindsay HALL

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