Special Preview of Myall Park’s new Sports Complex before

The new Myall Park building is ready for action.

MYALL Park Sports Complex is ready for play, and to serve as ground zero for the ‘Back to the Nest’ end-of-season event on Saturday 12 August.

Hawks Rugby League Football Club calls Myall Park home.

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“The club hopes to secure a finals spot for the first time since 2019, and will also celebrate a 20-year reunion for players and committee members involved in the 2003 premiership success on Saturday (August 12),” club secretary Neil Reynolds told NOTA.

‘Back to the Nest’ festivities start Friday night at the Tea Gardens Hotel, the Myall Park Complex official opening is on Saturday from noon, featuring representatives from MidCoast Council, Newcastle and Hunter Rugby League, and local state MP Kate Washington.

NOTA was invited this week for a special preview of the new building and its spick-and-span facilities, a far cry from the old, worn-out canteen/shed mere metres away.

“We’ve definitely entered the 21st century,” said Aaron Neighbour, Hawks’ vice president.

The Hawks executive said thanks to the decency of “local fellas and favours”, the new building was constructed by local tradies for a mere fraction of the original estimates they had been given.

Funded by a combination of grants, community fundraising and council assistance, the sturdy, concreted exterior houses a clean and bright interior, featuring a spacious canteen with two remote-controlled, roller-door serving areas, storage aplenty, and a referees’ change room with full plumbing.

The canteen’s menu will soon cover all manner of hot and cold food and beverages, with a fridge and freezer, barbecue, air-fryers, and shiny, large sinks.

Demonstrating a future-focused design, the building is so sturdy that the option exists of adding to the top of it, perhaps one day a grandstand for a better view of the action on field.

Once everything is fully up and running in stage 1, the stage 2 ideas can begin to go into effect, replacing the old, dilapidated ‘shed’ canteen with a similarly modern and function-specific extension.

For more details check out the Hawks’ Facebook Page.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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