SPaDCO Fun Day – Sunshine, Smiles, Food and Fun

Member for Oxley Melinda Pavey and volunteer Liz Gerome.

HEAVY rain forced the decision by the Stuarts Point and District Community Organisation (SPaDCO) committee to host the long-anticipated Stuarts Point Fun Day in the community hall rather than the sodden foreshore park, though the sun rose gloriously on the Saturday morning of the event, which also marked the beginning of the NSW school holidays.

With live music performed by ‘Bluesville’, a petting zoo, face painting, craft stalls, BBQ, CWA scones and loads more free activities, the frenzied afternoon concluded with a screening of the movie ‘Madagascar’, which proved to calm and delight the children.

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Undeterred by a brief but intense thunderstorm, local unofficial town-crier Christopher Robinson announced the 2022 Sunflower Challenge as open, while on the newly erected front deck seed distribution was well underway.

RFS and SES crews took up positions outside along with the free coffee caravan, though some of the crews were called to attend emergency storm incidents, while indoors, the ARMY mascot ‘Bear’ spread happiness by giving out lollies with the assistance of representatives from Legacy and resident clown, known simply as Briana.

Melinda Pavey, Member for Oxley, attended as a special guest, officially thanking the rescue authorities for their tireless commitment.

“Today demonstrates such a stunning, charming community effort which met all grant requirements,” she said.

SPaDCO chairperson Mary-Lou Lewis introduced students from Stuarts Point Primary School who performed a Welcome to Country and later staged a dance performance to the delight of the crowd.

Mary-Lou also thanked the 37-plus volunteers and said, “We estimate that approximately 400 people attended, all had a great time that made the combined efforts of the community and businesses visible.”

Grants Manager for Regional Arts Australia, Sigrid Langker, also a Yarrahapinni local and volunteer for the event told NOTA, “It’s extraordinary to witness and feel the joy expressed by our extended community after the many months of covid stagnation.”

Fun Day coordinator Chris Parke summed it up saying, “Be a sunflower, not a mushroom.”


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