Social tennis proves a hit in Stuarts Point

Hall Committee members Carol and Margaret offer baked goodies in the new Hub kitchenette.

THOUGH some recent days have offered cold and windy weather, the newly renovated courts and Tennis Hub at Stuarts Point are proving to be a popular location for warming up the blood circulation and as a social gathering spot.

The local community played an instrumental role in gaining funding for the tennis club upgrade, with the town’s Hall Committee and the Stuarts Point and District Community Organisation (SPaDCO) working overtime advocating for the importance of the project.

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Crown Lands, through their Crown Reserves Improvement Fund, and Kempsey Shire Council, co-funded the project which involved the demolition of the former unsafe and derelict club house, since renamed as ‘The Tennis Hub’.

Mondays are being promoted for social activities and the management team from the Hall Committee are holding casual morning and afternoon tea sessions aimed at enticing the regular use of the courts and facilities, with further promotion underway for day/night competition tennis, team formation, coaching and school sports activities.

With fully operational lighting, the interior fit out of the facility is functional and, with a generous donation from the annual proceeds of the Stuarts Point Friendly Grocer’s Charity Day, the purchase of mechanical sweeper was enabled.

The Friendly Grocer (16 Marine Parade, Stuarts Point) is also the current booking location for the courts, though the Committee is looking into developing an online booking system.

For enquiries, contact Des on 0418 278 897.


Action shots on the courts.

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