Soccer community call for Council to fast track Moonee Sports Complex

North Coast Football and Northern Storm Football Club have called for Council to accelerate the development of the future Moonee Sports Complex. Photo: Coffs Harbour City Council.


NORTH Coast Football and Northern Storm Football Club have called for the accelerated development of the Moonee Sports Complex as the long-term home for soccer in the northern beaches area.

North Coast Football general manager Andrew Woodward and Northern Storm Football Club president Michael Lloyd have issued a joint statement on the importance of the future sports facility.

“Of all sports in the area, football has the greatest potential to grow in the years ahead,” both men stated.

“That growth will only occur with the right facilities in the right places.

“Moonee is the right place for a complex that can accommodate football and other community field sports.”

Mr Woodward and Mr Lloyd said the development of the Moonee site would free up York St and Korora Ovals, which are currently utilised by Northern Storm Football Club, for possible community green spaces or the further growth of other sports.

“York Street and Korora Ovals have both been neglected for expenditure over the last few years due to uncertainty over the Regional Athletic Centre’s location,” they said.

“There must be considerable investment in both sites in the short term to bring them up to an acceptable standard.

“This expenditure would not be required should football move to the Moonee site.”

Mr Woodward and Mr Lloyd said it was football’s hope that all three levels of government come together and ensure that:

  • Moonee Sports Complex is built by 2025.
  • The Regional Athletics Centre is built in the south Coffs Harbour regional sports hub, as the State Government designated location for elite sports, as a matter of priority.
  • Alternative arrangements are made for any impacted local and visiting sports.
  • York Street and Korora Ovals return to general-purpose community open space, or potential sites for other growth sports, following Northern Storm’s relocation to Moonee.

North Coast Football and Northern Storm Football Club will be pursuing both the Federal and State Governments and oppositions, Coffs Harbour City Council and council candidates for expedited funding commitments for the future Moonee Sports Complex.

Northern Storm Football Club intends to remain at York Street and Korora Ovals for the time being and continue to advocate for its sole tenancy of both sites during the winter sports season until it moves to Moonee.

“Football will work with Council in the coming months on its review of sites for the Regional Athletics Centre to ensure that its interests and those of the broader sports community are incorporated into the recommendation put to the next Council,” Mr Woodward and Mr Lloyd stated.

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