Smart Parking program extended

UPON a review of the implementation of Smart Parking in Nelson Bay, Port Stephens Council have voted to extend the application further into Fly Point, and begin the process of installation for Shoal Bay as well.

The program saw paid parking metres placed in key parking lots in Nelson Bay.

Hourly rates apply to use parking in any of these places, with concessions made for local residents.

Individuals or families can register their cars with council and are able to continue to park several hours for free, while staff in Nelson Bay have designated free parking zones daily.

The program is not just a “revenue raiser” for Port Stephens, but part of a key strategy to increase turnover of parking that will enable better access to businesses and services for all residents and visitors.

Cr Glen Dunkley introduced the motion to extend the program at Council’s most recent meeting.

“Anyone that’s tried to drive through Fly Point at peak periods no doubt will be high fiving us when we get this in to get that turnover happening.”

In a separate motion the Council considered the implementation of Smart Parking in Shoal Bay.

Following a period of research and community engagement, the Council’s Development Services have noted strong general support from the local community for such an infrastructure.

Peter Clough of the Tomaree Headland Heritage Group appeared before Council to speak to the proposal to implement smart parking in Shoal Bay, voicing support in principle to the motion, but making a case for the involvement of tourism groups Destination Port Stephens and Business Port Stephens to inform on the potential impact to tourist trade in the area.

“Whilst we have no objection to the introduction of Smart Parking into Shoal Bay we believe that Council needs to be very careful when assessing the time-zones, particularly east of the Shoal Bay CBD, and the fees applied to parking in this zone and in other zones in Shoal Bay as they have the potential to impact on visitor patterns.”

By Lindsay HALL

One thought on “Smart Parking program extended

  1. We used to come up one Saturday each month at sunrise, walk up the mountain, then grab breakfast at the SBCC before heading home. We have now found an alternate location for our monthly catch ups because of the paid parking. Shoal Bay isn’t worth paying to park at.

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