COUNTRY music royalty pays a visit to the Macksville ex-Services Club on Friday 21 April with a performance of Travellin’ Still – the Songs of Slim Dusty.
When Slim Dusty’s Travellin’ Country Band played their last full show with Slim in 2002, the band members all went their separate ways.

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Fast-forward to 2016, at the Slim Dusty Music Festival in Kempsey, they found themselves on-stage together for the first time in years.
It felt like only yesterday as the old songs, friendships and memories came flooding back.
Featuring former Travellin’ Country Band members Rod Coe, Mike Kerrin, Doug Gallacher and Jeff Mercer, plus Pete Denahy, who also played with Slim, the show is full of iconic Australian country tunes. Hear over two hours of Slim classics including Pub With No Beer, Duncan, The Rain Tumbles Down in July, Lights on the Hill, Old Time Country Halls, Leave Him in the Longyard, Walk a Country Mile, We’ve Done Us Proud, Cunnamulla Feller, The Biggest Disappointment, In Charleville and so much more.
Front man Pete Denahy said he was very much looking forward to getting back on stage with the band.
“This will be like putting on an old comfortable pair of boots.
“I can’t wait to be playing the boss’s great old songs again,” he said.
“I never thought we’d be playing these songs again in these venues!”
Tickets are on sale at the club or online at www.trybooking.com/979085.
Faulty Towers
With an exciting program planned at the Macksville ex-Services Club in coming months, the highly popular Faulty Towers – The Dining Experience makes a welcome return on May 5.
Featuring an international cast, club manager Judy Ward hastened to add two things.
“This was incredibly popular last time.
“We only have 100 tickets to sell, so it’s very different to most other shows and you can only book tickets with the club.
“We do not have online tickets for this show.”
To secure your ticket, phone the club on 6568 1344.