Site announced for new Medowie high school

Medowie families celebrate the site reveal with Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington and Port Stephens councillors Jason Wells and Giacomo Wells.

THE location for the new Medowie High School was revealed on Sunday, following the NSW Government acquiring 6.6 hectares of land at 6 Abundance Road, Medowie.

Scheduled to open Day 1, Term 1, 2027, the new public high school will include modern classrooms, a library, a school hall, outdoor play and sports areas, and administration facilities.

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According to government officials, designs for the school are well underway.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning Prue Car said, “I am delighted that we can share the location of the community’s new public high school with the Medowie community.

“This new high school will give Medowie families access to a world-class education in their local area.”

Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington said, “Today marks an important milestone for the Medowie community as we announce the site for our very first public high school.

“By building Medowie’s public high school at this site, we will be transforming our town and our kids’ futures.

“After almost 20 years of fighting for this school, it’s difficult to describe how excited I am to be announcing the site where our government is going to finally make it a reality.”

Port Stephens councillors Jason Wells and Giacomo Wells with Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington (centre).

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