ShoreTrack finds a home of their own

Some of the ShoreTrack team at their new premises on Yarrawonga Street in the Macksville industrial estate.

IN a landmark step forward for the organisation, ShoreTrack has moved from a leased property and purchased a home of their own on Yarrawonga Street in the Macksville industrial estate.

ShoreTrack works with young people who struggle with school-based learning, and may have already disengaged from education and their community, to re-engage with pathways back to school or further training or work.

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Since its inception, ShoreTrack has identified that a work shed facility as a training space is central to its ability to engage effectively with youth, build positive relationships and provide feelings of safety and belonging for young people.

ShoreTrack’s journey began with generous support from David and Jenny Ainsworth, who leased their shed pro bono for a year to help the organisation establish itself.

Later, JP Trailers subsidised rent for the same premises, enabling ShoreTrack to grow its programs and participant numbers.

However, as demand increased the need for a larger permanent facility became clear.

With the support of donors within and beyond the Nambucca Valley community, ShoreTrack has now been able to gather a deposit to secure a shed in the heart of the Macksville Industrial Estate.

The organisation will continue to work with donors to help secure funding to pay off the remaining loan.

Situated amongst a number of core businesses in the Macksville industrial estate, the new facility will provide real-world learning opportunities for youth and build their understanding of workplace expectations and employability skills.

ShoreTrack focuses on developing knowledge and trade skills that industry is looking for in work-ready young people.

This was made highly evident last year when five of ShoreTrack’s young people were employed by Express Coach Builders of Macksville, most of whom are now on the path to becoming tradesmen.

This success is in addition to the 14 out of the 16 ShoreTrack youth enrolled in a Certificate II in Rural Operations course who attended Tocal Agricultural College and found work last year across a range of occupations in the Nambucca and Bellinger Valleys, and Coffs Harbour.

“It’s great to see these successful outcomes in the short term but we wanted to make sure we were around for the long term, ensuring that there is the potential for intergenerational change in learning and employment outcomes for young people for years to come and this new shed will allow us to do this,” ShoreTrack co-founder Jill Ashley told News Of The Area.

“It provides us with our own base, a great location with the potential for upgrades and new initiatives as the needs of young people, the community, and industry demands change.”

ShoreTrack will also base its growing social enterprise, “STeps”, from the new premises.

STeps provides fencing and agricultural services, mowing and lawn maintenance, and metal fabrication services and products.

Members of the public in need of such services are invited to contact ShoreTrack.

“We want to thank our fabulous supporters including donors, our Board, staff, volunteers and of course all the 330 young people who have been a part of our programs in the past for helping us get to this point in our growth and we are really excited for the future,” Ms Ashley concluded.


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