Shoal Bay access road an ‘urgent priority’

The erosion at Shoal Bay is threatening the infrastructure installed in 2015 and the only access for residents and emergency services. Photo: Marian Sampson.

THE Tomaree Headland and Heritage Group (THHG) are urgently calling for an additional access and egress road to Shoal Bay.

“This need has recently been accentuated by beach erosion episodes and subsidence of Shoal Bay Beach particularly during extreme weather conditions,” said THHG President Peter Clough.

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“This is not a new phenomenon for Shoal Bay Beach but it has again highlighted the vulnerability and concerns of Shoal Bay and Fingal Bay residents.”

The THHG say an additional access road would also address vehicle congestion during busy periods, cater for residential and visitor growth, and enhance the appeal of the Tomaree Headland and the Shoal Bay business precinct.

At a Meet the Candidates session held by the Tomaree Ratepayers and Residents Association last Thursday, all mayoral candidates were asked if they would “provide a commitment to immediately commence the planning for an alternate road into Shoal Bay”.

Mr Clough told NOTA said the responses did not reflect the urgency of the situation.

“The responses did not demonstrate that there was any urgency to start and give priority to commencement of the investigation and planning of an alternate road,” he said.

“The community and the Tomaree Headland Heritage Group have a completely different view.

“The responses mainly revolved around how to address the immediate problem, which we of course also support, but long-term planning is equally important,” he said.

Port Stephens Council adopted a ‘Place Plan’ for Shoal Bay in April.

Earlier this month, Port Stephens Council Asset Section Manager John Maretich said the “ongoing threat to the [Shoal Bay] road from future erosion remains a serious concern for Council and the community”.

Council’s Coastal Management Program is currently awaiting sign-off from the NSW Government.


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