Shearwater Development Goes To Land and Environment Court

DEVELOPMENT in small communities can be complicated, with many moving to the region to enjoy the environment that unchecked development has the potential to destroy.

A development application for a 226 lot subdivision at 90 VineyCreek Road, Tea Gardens, known as North Shearwater, was refused earlier this year.

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The developer has since applied to appeal the decision before the NSW Land and Environment Court.

Myall Coast local Ronnie Nicols told News Of The Area, “In the interest of transparency for the Tea Gardens community please note the Wolin Investments Pty Ltd application to the Land and Environment Court requesting the overturn of the refusal of their development application DA -100/2019.”

The DA submitted to MidCoast Council and the Hunter and Central Coast Regional Planning Panel was for a multi-precinct 226 lot subdivision with a drainage reserve and public reserves to be completed by staged construction.

Precinct One was to be the first stage of the construction of 153 house sites averaging 450 square metres in area.

Ronnie believes that this application was intended to supersede the development approved by Great Lakes Council in the same location for 76 sites.

“The DA for double the number of sites was refused this year.

“It was concluded by Council that the North Shearwater development, including Precinct One, was not in context with its surroundings, including the long established Shearwater Estate with its average block size of 7000 square metres.

“The Wolin Investments site is adjacent to Shearwater with a subdivision road running the length of the site with multiple small blocks backing onto this road and the Shearwater fence line.”

Ronnie wants the community to be informed about this new application as its refusal or approval has implications for both lifestyle and environment.

“The provision of so many more residential lots in this isolated development has been designed to overcome excavation costs for services including sewerage,” she detailed.


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