IN its latest exhibition The Art Space Urunga has invited its artists to think red (not grey)!
Four words: fifty shades of red.

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As usual it is up to each artist to have their own take on the theme, and gallery chiefs are looking forward to an eclectic and colourful show.
A fabulous line-up of artists responded to the challenge, including David Hooper, Cath O’Gorman, Bernice Davies, Amanda Hazlett, Tracy Bowden, Carol McLagan, Sharon Fitzpatric, Linda Ravlich, Jaime Griffion, Christine Hamilton, Tom Maxwell, Jo de Graaff, Christopher Wynne, Dudravka Sabljak, Rosalie Rigby, Gregory R Coates and Karin Viksne.
The show officially opens with a morning tea on Saturday 5 August, 10.30am to midday.
This timing has proved very popular on these winter days.
All are welcome.
The exhibition opens 3 August and closes 10 September and the gallery is open every day from 10am-4pm.