Seniors and school kids combine for Christmas concert

Michael Darragh, CEO of Sawtell Catholic Care, Stephanie Sims from Uko Ono and City of Coffs Harbour Mayor Paul Amos at the Marian Grove Christnas concert. Photo: Pete Sechi, Sechi Photography.

A JOLLY collaboration of young and older people, coming together through music, brought residents of Marian Grove together to enjoy a special Christmas concert morning tea featuring the new Marian Grove/Mary Help of Christians Ukulele band and the Boambee Public School Choir.

The festive fun took place on Friday 8 December at the Marian Grove Recreation Hall.

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Over 80 residents were entertained by the new ukulele group – born out of the ‘Music for the Ages’ project which was funded through City of Coffs Harbour Arts and Cultural Grants.

As recently reported in NOTA, young students from Mary Help of Christians school had been meeting for six weeks each Friday morning with seniors from Marian Grove Retirement Village and others at The Link.

Here they learned new songs on the ukulele and had the opportunity to get to know each other over morning tea.

“I popped into the project on the last week to see how the group was going and it was just a delight to watch them perform this morning,” said Michael Darragh, CEO of Sawtell Catholic Care.

“It came together really well, and the residents just loved it.”

At the Christmas party the group performed three uplifting songs, ‘Don’t Worry Be Happy’, ‘He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands’, and ‘You Are My Sunshine’.

This was followed by six Christmas Carols from children as young as kindergarten age in the Boambee Public School Choir.

The bountiful morning tea also included a raffle.

“It was a perfect conclusion to a really fun and engaging project,” said Stephanie Sims from Uko Ono, who led the music project.

“Just as important as the music was the opportunity for the young and old folk to engage with each other.

“Everyone involved said they would like the project to continue so that’s success in my mind.”

City of Coffs Harbour Mayor Paul Amos attended the performance.

“It’s always nice to see how projects funded through Council’s Arts and Cultural Grants play out.

“Coffs is such a creative town and this project showed that you’re not too young or too old to reap the benefits of music.”


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