Secure your front row seat to crime fiction stars

Chris Hammer and Michael Robotham will deliver author talks at City of Coffs Harbour’s Yarrila Place. Photos: Mike Bowers/Tony Mott.

TWO of Australia’s most gifted and compelling crime fiction writers are coming to Coffs Harbour for bare-all author talks.

Michael Robotham and Chris Hammer have forged fame worldwide for their best-selling and critically acclaimed works.

Robotham and Hammer were born in 1960, progressed to storied careers as journalists, and in their latest guise as novelists are at the top of their game.

It will be something of a homecoming for the multi-award winning Robotham, who went to Orara High in the 1970s.

“Having one of the leading crime writers on the planet presenting here is exciting. Having two – within days of one another – is exceptional,” City of Coffs Harbour City Planning and Communities Director Chris Chapman said.

The special series of sinister will kick off with a live stream of the BAD Crime Writers’ Festival on 12-14 September.

Ten sessions will be broadcast at the Learning Lab at Yarrila Place.

Entry is free but registration is required.

In the flesh to speak to his latest novel, Storm Child, Robotham will be in the River Oak Room at Yarrila Place from 6-7.30pm on 20 September.

The cost of this session is $5.

“Most of my novels have been seeded or informed by real life events – stories I either covered as a journalist or that I was told about or read in the many newspapers I consume every day,” Robotham said.

“I’m still a complete news junkie.

“As a crime and court reporter I had a front row seat, watching investigations unfold, talking to detectives, eyewitnesses, forensic teams, lawyers, paramedics and the families of victims, all of which gave me perspective on how a serious crime ripples through a community, touching thousands of people.”

The Casino-born author and dual Gold Dagger award winner for best crime novel hints people should brace for the unexpected at his Coffs’ talk.

“It has been 20 years since my first novel, The Suspect, was published, and I have been giving my audiences a highlights reel of my best and worst moments.

“The highs and lows.

“Best and worst reviews.

“Best and worst fan interactions.

“Best and worst events.

“The mortifying and the magnificent,” he said.

The juicy crime cocktail will continue when Canberra-based Hammer hits town on 2 October.

Same crime channel, same crime time: 6-7.30pm in the River Oak Room.

The cost of this session is also $5.

Renowned for his works with colourful characters in Australian settings, Hammer will provide insights on his latest book, The Valley, which will be published on 1 October.

Hammer’s six previous novels – starting with Scrublands in 2018 – have now sold over one million copies worldwide.

“The live-streamed festival sessions followed by the one-two punch of Robotham and Hammer will be heaven-sent for crime fiction fans,” Mr Chapman said.

Book sales and signings will be available at the Robotham and Hammer events.

To register for the events, visit the Coffs Harbour Libraries website.

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