Seabin to improve environmental outcomes for Nelson Bay

Plastic Free Port Stephens committee member Jenny Weingott, d’Albora Marinas Nelson Bay General Manager Adam Kluft and Alicia Cameron founder of Plastic Free Port Stephens. Photo by Marian Sampson.

PLASTIC Free Port Stephens, d’Albora Marinas Nelson Bay and Custom Built have partnered together to improve the environment.

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Port Stephens Citizen of the Year and Founder of Plastic Free Port Stephens Alicia Cameron is excited to see one of the goals for the organisation one step closer to reality.

One of the things identified by Plastic Free Port Stephens as a community priority is to improve the quality of our waterways and reduce plastic waste in them.

d’Albora Marinas and Custom Built are on board to install a Seabin.

There are already three sponsored Seabins installed in d’Albora Marinas Sydney based marinas where they are making a significant difference.

The Seabin is an Australian invention which essentially is a rubbish bin for the ocean, however they are most successfully installed within marinas where winds and currents naturally push the rubbish.

Seabins are powered by a submersible pump at the bottom of the unit draws in water, the water passes through a filter, capturing the rubbish as well as oil and fuel.

General Manager at d’Albora Marinas Nelson Bay Adam Kluft told News Of The Area, “For us it is about the sustainability aspect, protecting the waterways and having an ecological plan in place so that it is still here in 100 years time.”

The marina has committed to match funding for the Seabin and Custom Built has committed to co-funding the first Seabin installation.

This leaves Plastic Free Port Stephens seeking around $7500 to see a second device which skims the water installed in the harbour.

The plan is to have one Seabin near the Fisherman’s Co-operative and the other at the Eastern end of the Marina precinct.

Installation of the Seabin will improve water quality and remove plastics from the Marina area.

Plastic Free Port Stephens have been working on a project to protect the waterways since its inception.

The best thing about the Seabin is that it not only collects the plastic rubbish but collects fuel and oils.

“It is a great way to know what is going on in the waterways.

“It is exciting to have these two supporters on board for the project,” said Alicia Cameron.

Alicia Cameron believes that Seabins will help to set the tone of how we feel about our environment.

Plastic Free Port Stephens hope to see two Seabins fitted in Nelson Bay; one near the Fisherman’s Co-operative and the other near the amenities block on Victoria Parade.

The commitment from these two local businesses will see this become a reality sooner rather than later.

The long term vision is to have Seabins fitted in locations around the Port which will see the reduction of plastic waste in our waterway.

If you or your business would like to help make the Seabins at Nelson Bay and at Marinas around Port Stephens a reality – contact



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