SCU Uni Transition Pathway Assisting HSC Students

Inderjot Bajwa is now a Bachelor of Business and Enterprise student after completing Transition to Uni.


UNIVERSITY entry is being transformed by Southern Cross University’s (SCU) Transition to University Pathway and local student Inderjot Bajwa can testify to that.

Following a difficult 2020 of COVID disruptions while studying Year 12, Inderjot was pleased to gain entry to Transition to Uni, giving him the opportunity to pursue his desired degree.

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“Year 12 started off well but then COVID hit and everything changed,” said Inderjot, who is now studying a Bachelor of Business and Enterprise.

“It was difficult focusing at home and doing online classes, we missed out on a lot of the fun stuff we’d looked forward to, like going on business excursions or having family with us to celebrate our graduation and formal,” he said.

“We made the most of a tough situation, but I didn’t quite get the marks that I wanted to get into a degree.

“When I found out about the intensive six-week Transition to Uni course I applied and got in and it really helped me get the start I needed at uni – I wouldn’t have been able to study a degree without it,” he remarked.

“My family owns a farm, and I almost didn’t go to university so that I could work full-time on the farm with them, but I’ve always wanted to expand my skills and start my own business.

“The degree I’m studying now opens up numerous opportunities for future careers.

“I recommend Transition to Uni for anyone who is unsure whether they will get the marks they need to go to a degree,” he said.

Mt Bajwa said the best thing about the program was getting better prepared to enter the university system which he said is so different to high school.

He told News Of The Area he learnt about the building blocks of university such as how to start assignments, learnt about academic integrity and how to do academic referencing.

“The course was about learning about university before going to university and this gave me an advantage when I started.

“Now I have to do referencing for every assignment so doing it before I started made it really easy,” he said.

The free, six-week course runs from January 2022 and prepares students for university study, ready for the main degree intake in March across Southern Cross University campuses at Lismore, Coffs Harbour and the Gold Coast.


By Sandra MOON

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