WITH eyes on attending the 26th Australian Jamboree in Queensland in 2025, local Scouts have been ramping up their preparations.
Thousands of Scouts, Venturers, Rovers and group leaders from right across the country and the world will come together in Maryborough, Queensland in January next year for the event.

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Building their skill sets in preparation, the Anna Bay Scouts achieved some great outcomes at a recent Corroboree event in Stroud, where they spent five days away without their parents.
Young people worked together to construct campsites, cook meals, learn water safety and canoeing skills and more.
Louise Healy, a leader at the 1st Anna Bay Scouts, said the benefits of being involved with Scouts are wide ranging.
“Scouts can build resilience, independence, self help skills, self esteem, confidence and leadership qualities through working as a team or individual experiences in the Scouting movement.”
Local experience proves that involvement with the Scouting movement can also be a lifelong journey.
Chontelle Grecian, a former Scout herself, is now watching her children grow with the organisation.
Chontelle began as a Scout before graduating to Venturers.
She now serves on the local Scouts committee and helps organise group activities.
“I made lifelong friends, learnt great skills, and have paved a pathway in resilience and confidence,” Chontelle said.
“I love that my children are receiving the same opportunities through our local Scout Group.
“Growing up through the various levels of Scouts provides social skills, a love for adventure and the outdoors and an independence that fosters great self confidence in our young people,“ she said.
Scouts has been an institution in Australia since 1908.
The organisation was founded by Lord Robert Baden-Powell, who decided to employ some of the life skills he learnt outdoors as a child under the banner of “scouting” in the training of troops in the British Army.
Scouts was initially created for boys and the Girl Guides was formed in 1910.
Now both boys and girls can be Scouts, however Girl Guides is still a strong community organisation in its own right.