Scotts Head time capsule to be opened on New Year’s Day

Victor Mankin at the site of the Scotts Head time capsule that will be opened on 1 January 2025 – 25 years after it was sealed.

TO mark the turn of the century, nearly 25 years ago, the community of Scotts Head formed a committee to come up with something special for the occasion.

As they had a resident pyrotechnic technician available in the form of Victor Mankin, the consensus was that they would see the new century in with a huge fireworks display.

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To be able to purchase the quantity and quality of fireworks required, a number of novel methods of fundraising were conceived.

The wreck of the Zhou Gan Tou, a boat carrying 60 Chinese asylum seekers that ran aground at Scotts Heads in April of that year, was still stuck on the beach, so parts of the boat were cut off and sold at auction to amused locals and visitors to raise funds for the fireworks.

Another innovative fund-raising method employed was to create a time capsule, due to be opened in 25 years.

People were charged $10 to put items in the capsule.

A quarter century later, the time capsule will be opened on 1 January 2025.

“A total of 130 families, individuals and businesses placed items in the capsule, raising $1300 for the fireworks,” Mr Mankin told News Of The Area.

“We even had VHS video tapes put in there, including one of people putting items in the capsule, not knowing that VHS video tapes would be a thing of the past in 25 years time.”

The time capsule is located under concrete in front of the donated anchor from the ill-fated Zhou Gan Tou at the entrance to the Club Scotts carpark.

Mr Mankin is hopeful that items in the capsule – including the VHS tapes – survived and is working on locating a device that can play VHS video.

“We tell our kids, now grown up, that they have to come along to the opening of the capsule next year as it contains a map that will lead them to the family fortune,” Mr Mankin joked.

“I am already being contacted by some people who are asking about the opening and, in some cases, advise that their parents have passed away and they are excited to see what was placed in the capsule by their mums and dads.”

Once the capsule is opened at midday on 1 January 2025, there will be a gathering at Club Scotts where the items can be discussed and people can reminisce.

Those seeking more information can call Victor Mankin on 04182 25667 or Liz Bush on 04270 79942.


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