Scotts Head Community Gardens Welcome You

Many hands on deck for spring tidying.

MONDAY, 7 November saw a frenzy of volunteer workers eager to tidy up the garden plots at the Scotts Head Community Gardens in readiness for new plantings.

With storm clouds rolling in from the east, the crew were busy mowing, weeding, extracting spent plants for composting and seed saving, and digging trenches to accommodate a rudimentary watering system in order to utilise the new water tank.

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Volunteer George Driussi explained to NOTA, “Establishing the gardens was funded by a community grant and with the basic plots and storage shed installed, it was time to add the water tank which, with the kind approval of our neighbour, we are able collect roof runoff from both sheds, so it’s not going directly to the storm water drains.”

With the trench dug and pipes laid, tap fittings were installed in strategic locations for easier access to the vital water supply.

The morning’s labour, using many tools sourced from local waste stations, was not complete till fresh garden soil was wheelbarrowed in to top up the plots.

Elizabeth Driussi said the garden’s volunteers want “to create a welcoming, active, social place for all the community to be involved in”.

If you need herbs or produce from the garden, please carefully pick what you need, however you are encouraged to leave a donation to help with future plantings and operational costs.

As the garden’s welcome signage states, ‘Scotts Head Gardeners Welcome You’.

For more information contact George on 0428 662 803.


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