Scallop Club social ladies meets again at Tea Gardens

Barabara Birmingham, Robin Richardson, Sue Brownrigg, Sandra Hargraves, Elsa Jones, Sylvia Bolden, Fay Clarke.


OUR ‘Scallop Club’ was originally formed in 2004 by nine golfing ladies who decided to meet once a month for lunch, wine & cards taking it in turn to go to one of the members houses.

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This month was Elsa’s turn and it was great to get together again having a break of 3 months because of the virus.

We also gave some of our time to remember past members Beverley & Val. Val only recently passed away we were
all very sad as we could not attend her funeral. Below is a little “ditty” I made up in 2014 when Beverley & Val were
with us and I would like to dedicate this to them.

Fay, Val, Doreen, Sylvia & Elsa
Barbara, Sue, Beverley & Sandra

Once a month on a Thursday they meet
To enjoy a meal & sometimes a sweet.

The calories go out the door
As lunch is enjoyed & even more.

The cards come out….the fun begins
Whose deal? Whose turn? Oh, is it me?

I missed my turn says Beverley
Just lay your cards please says Val
Sue despairs & shakes her head
Whilst Fay relates stories of the dead.

Doreen wonders what is going on?

Whilst Elsa complains she hasn’t won.

Barb & and Sandra pour another wine
Whilst Val says “the game is mine”.

Laughs abound as tales are told
Of games of golf dissected & retold
The fantastic drives & putts on nine

Can someone please pass the wine
Now Beverley you’ll have to wait
Fay giggles, Sylvia laughs
Please pass the chocolates Elsa states,
Barbara says “at last I’ve won”

So ends another month of fun.



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