Sawtell Rotary Club to get behind the Bunnings BBQ for a good cause

Come and get a burger at Bunnings and support ShelterBox for Turkey’s earthquake victims.

HOT foot it down to Bunnings Coffs Harbour for the Sawtell Rotary Club BBQ on Friday 17 February between 9am and 4pm.

The BBQ is dedicated to providing support for those affected by the recent earthquake in Turkey.

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The Club has committed to providing a disaster-ready $1,000 ShelterBox to this cause.

Sawtell Rotarian Alan Freedman said, “At the Bunnings BBQ we will be sizzling sausage sandwiches and of course selling soft drinks.

“Rotary International is always ready to assist events such as this and put out details as to how Clubs can help.

“Being International Director as well as Youth, I am keen for this to occur and the Board agreed unanimously,” said Alan.

ShelterBox and Rotary are official project partners in International Disaster Relief.

ShelterBox is a charity that hand-delivers aid to families devastated by conflict or natural disaster, to give them safe shelter and the tools to rebuild communities.

They have a global network of supporters, staff and volunteers who make it possible to deliver aid to some of the most remote communities in the world.

ShelterBox provides aid that is tailored to meet the needs of a community after a specific disaster.

The aid they supply comes in the form of ShelterBoxes and ShelterKits.

The sturdy green ShelterBoxes contain family-sized tents specially designed to withstand the elements and provide people with temporary shelter until they can start the process of rebuilding a home.

The ShelterKits contain all the essential tools people need to start repairing and rebuilding homes straight away.

The kits and boxes also contain the items that help transform shelter into a home, like cooking sets, solar lights and activity sets for children.

Any Rotary Club would be happy to pass on your donations, however the ShelterBox website has a direct link for payments.

The list of products and amounts needed below is a guide to what people can contribute to: ShelterBox $1,000, Relief Tent $500, ShelterKit $100, Water Filter $50 and Solar light $50.

ShelterBox is a registered charity, independent of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation.


Sawtell Rotary members Alan Freedman and Ray Baldwin practicing for the big fundraiser on the Baldwin BBQ.

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