Sawtell 2030 Urges Individual And Collective Climate Action Now

Almost 50 people attended the first Sawtell 2030 meeting.

ALMOST 50 people gathered in Sawtell recently for the first meeting of Sawtell 2030, an inclusive, grassroots network to connect, share knowledge and inspire local actions on major issues.

The initial focus area for the group is ‘Small Steps Together to address the climate crisis’.

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Farmer and builder Mike Zucker told the meeting that being a father to his three daughters made him more focused on creating a sustainable future for the next generation and beyond,” said Mr Zucker.

“There are some big challenges when it comes to both construction and farming, but sustainability is possible and necessary, and I’m here to connect with likeminded people within industry.”

According to social worker and environmental advocate Jane Phillips, young people are already leading the way on climate action.

“Local students are passionate about this,” Ms Phillips said.

“They have successfully campaigned for the Coffs Harbour City Council to formally declare a Climate Emergency.

“Looking after ourselves and our planet is a group act, and everyone here has important knowledge to share,” she said.

The meeting heard that reducing Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions by 70 percent by 2030 is achievable by combining existing technology with collective motivation and investment towards systematic change.

Emergency doctor and Sawtell resident Brian O’Connell said witnessing the great work happening to accelerate Health NSW towards Net Zero targets encouraged him to get more involved with people locally.

“Communities are the link between individual actions and organisational and governmental change,” Mr O’Connell said.

“This is the crucial step towards making ‘being sustainable’ the new normal.”

Mr O’Connell said that paying attention to what is happening to weather events locally, nationally and overseas has made him aware that something has to be done.

“I’m not a traditional activist or environmentalist, I’m just a doctor and a dad, but I have realised we need to start to tackle this head on.

“We know that individual actions make a difference but working together we can make a huge difference.”

To begin to make a difference, the group urges people to take 40 minutes once a fortnight to tackle one achievable individual action at a time.

They encourage people to have conversations about climate actions with friends and work colleagues.

They suggest we think about ways to engage with our public representatives so that they take definitive action towards renewable energy and a sustainable future.

The group plans to launch a website with tips and resources in January.

Its next event will be in February 2023 and is open to everyone who loves Sawtell, no matter where they live.

More information can be found on the Sawtell2030 Facebook page or by emailing

By Andrew VIVIAN

2 thoughts on “Sawtell 2030 Urges Individual And Collective Climate Action Now

  1. Please, you need to know that ‘climate change’ is a scam! Do your research and don’t be fooled or fool others.

  2. I was unable to attend the groups second meeting last week. I think I have been sent the minutes but I cannot open the document. My email is is the document too big or only suitable for Apple devices? I’m in the dark but want to stay connected. Please advise me on when your next meeting is to be held and if possible jow to receive minutes. Regards, Christine Buckridge

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