‘Save Balickera’ launches appeal against Stone Ridge Quarry site development

The proposed quarry development is located in State Forest, 10 minutes north of Raymond Terrace. Photos: Joseph Richards, Independent Planning Commission.

AN appeal has been lodged in the Land and Environment Court against an approved quarry development.

The Stone Ridge Quarry is located in Balickera, which is 10 minutes north of Raymond Terrace.

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Covering 189-hectares of the Wallaroo State Forest, it will be used to extract, process, and transport 1.5 million tonnes of hard rock per annum, for 30 years.

The NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC) approved the proposal on December 16 2024, with the group “Save Balickera” filing an appeal.

“It is an extremely inappropriate development for a State Forest and a drinking water catchment and will have devastating impacts on biodiversity and the environment, as well as the local community,” group president Anna Kerr said.

The project by the Australian Resource Development Group, is located in the Eagleton Volcanics, which is one of the few areas in the lower Hunter considered suitable for quality hard rock extraction.

It is made up of volcanic rock formed over 340 million years ago.

Ms Kerr and other locals are staunchly against the development.

In the original application process in 2024, there were 32 public submissions made against the quarry.

“The dust, noise and vibration from the quarry will negatively impact the homes, air and drinking water of local residents.”

The clearance of almost 70 hectares of native forest to make way for the quarry will result in the loss of habitat for many threatened and endangered species including koalas, squirrel gliders and brushtail phasogales.”

The Land and Environment Court will start hearing the appeal on 22 July.

The proposed quarry development is located in State Forest, 10 minutes north of Raymond Terrace. Photos: Joseph Richards, Independent Planning Commission.

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