Sandy Beach residents horrified by bird poisonings

Brush turkeys were poisoned along with ibises and wonga pigeons.


LOCAL residents were horrified to discover a mass poisoning of native birds in the Moonee Nature Reserve behind Ironbark Ave, Sandy Beach last week.

A native wonga pigeon (one of a local breeding pair) was discovered dead by a resident who initially thought it might have died from an accident.

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However, residents became suspicious when, two days later, three adult brush turkeys were found dead on the upper end of the ranger’s track which navigates the rear of the residential properties along Ironbark Ave.

None of the birds appeared to have injuries and poisoning was assumed to be the cause of their deaths.

Another eight adult brush turkeys and an ibis were discovered in close proximity to each other in an area at the base of trees where the turkeys gathered to roost every night.

Residents said that it appeared they all died before they had a chance to fly up into the trees.

An ibis had also been found dead on a nearby street.

Two more ibises were found lying dead together under a tree on the reserve near where the brush turkeys were found.

Residents are mystified why the birds were poisoned and say it has left a bitter taste in everyone’s mouth at Sandy Beach that knew the birds.

A resident told News Of The Area that the birds contained many individual, lovable ‘characters’ that were greeted each day by the residents and had become quite tame.

The resident said that a toxicology examination on some of the birds is being sought and that the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is currently involved but was not sure how far this would be taken.

In the meantime, residents are being vigilant to protect the birds that survived, including the remaining wonga pigeon, strutting alone, looking for her mate.


By Andrew VIVIAN

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