Sand restoration at Jimmy’s Beach – Winda Woppa: Council repairs exposed Sand Transfer System pipe and access road

Before: Serious sand erosion by waves undermines access road and exposes pipe


LOCAL beach goers walking along the western end of Jimmy’s Beach (Winda Woppa) noticed recent wave action had washed away a significant amount of sand, exposing the Sand Transfer System (STS) pipe and undermining the access road to the STS pump station.

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A number of locals expressed concerns to NOTA about the resulting safety risks and unsightliness of the exposed thick black pipe.

In response, Andrew Staniland, the MidCoast Council Coastal Management Coordinator, has advised, “This spot was identified early on as a potential problem and the Council regularly monitors this location.”

On 31 March, Council workers commenced work to restore the access road, and to secure and conceal the STS pipe.

Andrew Staniland advised, “We are putting the pipe back in its original position. Three metre long timber posts will be driven two metres into the sand to secure it in place. More sand will be added to this area. The Council will continue to monitor the situation.”

For further information, contact MidCoast Council on 7955 7777 or email Tea Gardens Council Office contact is 4997 0182.


By Sandra MURRAY


Before: Unsightly pipe and unsafe erosion concerns local beach goers.


After: Repaired road and covered pipe.


After: Beach safe and ready for isolated walks.

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