Salt Ash group create community artwork on shipping container

The community enjoyed working together to create the artwork for their shipping container.
The community enjoyed working together to create the artwork for their shipping container.


SALT Ash has acquired a splash of colour, with the addition of a colourfully painted shipping container on the roundabout heading to the Tilligerry peninsula.

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Shane Keno from Up&Up and Jamie Brewster from the New Hope Youth drop in centre in Tanilba Bay, helped the community of Salt Ash Brighten up their Community Helping Community container.

The container located in the grounds of Port Stephens Church of Christ on the corner of Nelson Bay and Lemon Tree Passage roads.

Community Helping Community is looking at becoming a sustainable program.

One of the fund raising activities they are doing is holding a stall of donated goods for sale, at a price of the donor’s choosing, at the Port Stephens Markets.

These markets are held on site in the grounds of the Port Stephens Church of Christ, which is held every fourth Saturday of the month.

Julie Bailey from Community Helping Community told News Of The Area, “We were running out of storage space and the set up and pull down was becoming too large, so we came up with the idea of having a storage container, removing the need to transport the goods and reducing the set up pull down time.”

“We approached the Port Stephens Church of Christ with the idea, and in keeping with their community support they have allowed us to lease the spot free of charge.”

“We were making enquiries into the price of a container, before finding out a generous community member had seen the value in what the community was trying to achieve, and he donated the container and had it delivered.”

The container was moved into its permanent spot, and a community art day was organised, with many local families coming along on the day to help paint the container and make it their own.

Julie said, “Even the Mums picked up a spray can and had a go.”

Shane Kenno said, “Team UP&UP had an amazing day connecting with the community at this event.”

“The response from everyone was positive and people really seemed to enjoy being able to get creative, and have some fun.”

Jamie Brewster from the New Hope Youth drop in centre in Tanilba Bay told News Of The Area, “It was an intergenerational event, with families, and people of all different ages.”

“It was about the community getting together, connecting, having conversations and building new relationships.”

“The activity was about facilitating a fun and creative community activity that lifted people’s spirits on the day,” he said.


The finished shipping container will now serve as a permanent market spot for the community group to fundraise from.
The finished shipping container will now serve as a permanent market spot for the community group to fundraise from.
The finished product - the mural created on the long wall of the shipping container.
The finished product – the mural created on the long wall of the shipping container.

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