Sally Townley to contest 2023 State Election as Independent for Coffs Harbour

Running as an Independent candidate for the seat of Coffs Harbour, Sally Townley looks forward to representing the community if she’s successful in gaining the seat in the 2023 State Election.

SALLY Townley has announced that she will contest the 2023 State Election as an Independent candidate for the seat of Coffs Harbour.

She officially launched the campaign on Wednesday 8 February at the North Coast Regional Botanic Garden.

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“As an Independent candidate it gives me the freedom to listen to what the community wants, hear their thoughts and advice around local issues and act according to my conscience and intellect, rather than follow the line of a Sydney-based party,” Dr Townley told News Of The Area.

For the next six weeks leading up to the NSW State Election on Saturday 25 March 2023, Sally will be “out and about as much as possible, meeting, talking and listening to the community”.

Key platforms for Dr Townley, who is City of Coffs Harbour’s Deputy Mayor, include affordable housing, climate action, increased investment in health and education and transparency in government spending, particularly within grants programs.

“For many years we have witnessed the selloff of public assets, including our natural assets such as water and forests.

“We have seen no real investment in public housing stock.

“And we have seen a stripping of budgets for education and health.

“It’s time to re-invest in the fundamental building blocks of our communities,” she said.

Dr Townley said the proposed conversion of the Jetty Foreshores to private high-end residential is a prime example of the current government’s approach.

She says the usurping of public land for private profit is typical of the Coalition’s approach.

“I want to see our communities maintained and strengthened, not mined.

“We should be creating beautiful, usable recreational spaces for everyone to use, not converting a public asset into private property for the wealthy.

“Investment at the Jetty Foreshores should increase opportunities for people to eat, drink and play in a coastal setting.

“We should recognise and enhance the beautiful natural and cultural values that people already enjoy and amplify those uses, rather than focus on simply a dollar return through real estate deals.”

Dr Townley said she also wants to see greater cooperation between local and state levels of government.

“For decades the Coffs area has been pulled in different directions.

“We should be working together for the community and delivering in partnership.

“There is a real opportunity for a community-minded representative to leverage both levels of government for shared outcomes.

“Instead, we see party representatives unable to make their own decisions and a delivery model of random pre-election cash splashes.

“Bringing money into the community is always welcome, but pork-barrelling projects which sometimes lack a business case, or a well-developed plan can actually cost the community money in the long run.

“The boat ramp is a good example of this.”

She also points to the use of grant money she says is being funnelled to Coalition seats.

“It’s grossly unfair that deserving projects are missing out while other projects are getting funded, sometimes without meeting any criteria at all.

“Coffs Harbour was mentioned in the Senate inquiry into grant rorts as a case in point,” she said.

“We urgently need fairer and more transparent ways of delivering money based on merit and evidence.”

Townley will stand as an Independent and points to the recent federal election result as an indication that many people are tired of a self-serving party system and want representatives who are able to make up their own mind and base decisions on what is good for their community.

“I think the people of Coffs Harbour are ready for a more mature and fairer system and I look forward to being able to deliver that for them,” closed Dr Townley.


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