Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club Christmas and Presentation Day

A group of happy winners: Lyn Reilly, Teresa King, Roma Johnson, Karen Smith, Merryl Kyburz, Marian Brading, Aileen McFarlane, Jo Elwood, Karen Bellamy and Jan Weiley.

WHAT a year it has been for the lady members of Safety Beach Golf Club. Tuesday 6 December was a great day to conduct our final formal business so we did it in great style with a delicious Christmas lunch followed by the presentation of awards then wonderful and colourful entertainment.

It has been a very successful year in all ways and the Gross Winner Overall and Club Champion is Marian Brading, and so deserved.

Well done Marian.

Nett Winner Overall is Aileen McFarlane, you are golfing so well Aileen.

Medal of Medals winner was Merryl Kyburz, Match Play winner Teresa King, runner-up Lyn Reilly. 27 Holes Foursomes Championship Gross winners Karen Bellamy and Marian Brading, runners-up Merryl Kyburz and Roma Johnson.

Nett winners Lyn Reilly and Aileen McFarlane, runners-up Teresa King and Kim Batty.

Club Championship Div 1, Gross Marian Brading, runner-up Karen Bellamy, Nett winner Merryl Kyburz, runner-up Roma Johnson.

Div 2 Gross winner Lyn Reilly, runner-up Di Richards, Nett winner Karen Smith, runner-up Cathy Anderson.

Div 3 Gross winner Aileen McFarlane, runner-up Jo Elwood, Nett winner Teresa King, runner-up Robyn Brindle.

Don’t forget the winner of the recently run The Greens Shootout won by Jan Weilly from Merryl Kybuz.

It was a good game.

The entertainment was provided by our very competent members and some visitors, including a skit, and of course we all sang along to well known tunes but lyrics with a golf bent of course. Thank you Glenda Kennedy for your wonderful effort in producing such entertainment.

All that was left to do to complete the proceeding was to count the money bags on the Christmas tree to be donated to the helicopter rescue service.

A huge thank you everyone for making the day so successful.

A big thank you also to Pro Terry, outside staff and indoor staff.

You all contribute to making the ladies golf days go so smoothly.

Merry Christmas everyone, with whomever you are going to be with, stay safe and healthy and bring on 2023 and even better golf.

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