Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club

Division 2 winner Di MacRae, division 1 winner Merryl Kyburz, division 3 winner Robyn Brindle, division 1 runner-up Marian Brading, division 2 runner-up Lyn Reilly and division 3 runner-up Trish Hill.

TWENTY eight ladies played a further round of the Monthly Medal/stroke round, including a Vets ball comp, on Tuesday 28 June.

It was rather chilly but dry for the round and the Division 1 winner was Merryl Kyburz 80 nett, runner-up Marian Brading 81 nett.

Division 2 winner Di MacRae 76 nett, runner-up Lyn Reilly 77 nett.

Division3 winner Robyn Brindle 77 nett, runner-up Trish Hill 81 nett.

Best gross over the field Marian Brading 98.

NTP 4th Trish Hill, 9th Lex Bailey, 11th Marian Brading.

Vets balls went to Di MacRae, Lyn Reilly, Lex Bailey, Robyn Brindle, Cathy Anderson and Trish Hill.

Thank you Lorraine Broomfield for donating the raffle won by Di Richards.

Our Breast Cancer day is 12 July so please wear all the pink you have and a plate to share for afternoon tea.

Open Day is to be held on 19 so ensure your name is in for this fun day and don’t forget the 9 hole Wine Run playable over the week as well as Saturdays now.

An 18 hole competition has begun for anyone wishing to play another 18 hole game during the week, just put your name in with Pro Terry at the Pro Shop.

All the extra games will prepare you for the start of the Championship rounds and Terry can also help with lessons, equipment and clothing.

Enjoy your golf and friendship the club has to offer.

By Marilyn ELY

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