Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club

Jo Elwood, Carole Stone and Marian Brading.

ANOTHER lovely sunny Tuesday for a game of golf and 14 members of Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club arrived to play a stableford game on Tuesday 17 and the state of the course was irrelevant to these ladies.

Our fixtures book is constantly being rearranged by the weather but this is a mere hiccup in the scheme of things, at the moment.

Winner of the day was Carole Stone with 36pts, runner-up Marian Brading 33pts on c/b and 2nd runner-up Jo-anne Elwood.

NTP 4th Teresa King, 9th Lyn Reilly and 11th Marian Brading. Thank you Karina Bettison for donating the raffle won by Jo-anne Elwood.

If you are looking for an extra game during the week there is always the Wine Run, playable over the week and with a voucher for Beach Street Dining being the prize.

Always check the notice board for recent invitations to other clubs and notify Marian if you wish to accept.

Pro Terry is always happy to provide lessons, clothing and equipment to make your golfing experience a good one.

By Marilyn ELY

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