Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club

Deb Morrison, Vicky Aubusson and Anne Tobin.

HAD a wonderful roll-up on Tuesday 1 August for a 4 Person Ambrose. The morning was calm and the course, a picture. Winners of the competition were Deb Morrison, Vicky Aubusson and Anne Tobin (all quite new to our club) with58 pts, runners-up Leanne Clark, Rose Morrow, Jo Elwood and Merryl Kyburz 59 pts. NTP all grades, Roma Johnson. Thank you Jan Meyer for donating the raffle won by Rose Morrow.

Jenny Reid was welcomed to our group as were several visiting lady golfers. Safety Beach ladies played in the 3-day CNC Annual Tournament held at Coffs Harbour recently and made their presence known. August holds another full month of competition for men and women so come and register for the games of interest to you. Pro Terry is there to help you with lessons, clothing or equipment and he also organises competitions. The weather is settling down, come and enjoy a few hours in nature, fresh air and sunshine.

By Marilyn ELY

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