Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club

Winner Kim Batty, second runner up Kerry Slater, runner up Teresa King.

THE ladies of Safety Beach Golf Club are back on the course and aiming for their consistently best golf this year.

Valentine’s Day, Tuesday 14 February brought out twenty eight ladies to play a stableford game incorporating the first round of qualifying for the Greens Shootout played late in the year. Winner of the day was Kim Batty 45pts, runner-up Teresa King 44pts, 2nd runner-up Kerry Slater and 3rd runner-up Judy Boyle 38pts on c/b.

NTP 4th Janelle Coleman, 7th Leanne Clark and 9th Lyn Reilly.

Thank you Trish Hill for donating the raffle won by Rose Morrow.

Pennants are back on the program this year, weather permitting of course, many invitations are coming in, Monthly Medal, Open Day and visits to many other clubs are on the calendar as well as fun golf games to relieve any stress so another busy year ahead.

New members and visitors are always welcome.

Tuesday is our regular 18 hole comp and a 9 hole Ambrose is set down for Thursdays for ladies unable to play 18 holes on Tuesdays.

The Wine and Dine 9 hole comp is on Friday in conjunction with the men and a lot of fun.

Pro Terry is available for lessons, equipment and clothing and also offers clinics.

For inquiries contact Terry at the club house.

By Marilyn ELY

Third runner up Judy Boyle.

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