Safety Beach Women’s Golf

Merryl Kyburz, Rose Morrow, Judy Pattison

CAN you believe it, May almost over but the days have been glorious?

On a beautiful day at Safety Beach golf course, 33 ladies played a stableford game on Tuesday 23. Overall winner was Penny Andrews with 37 pts, runner-up Rose Morrow 35 pts on c/b from Judy Pattison, and Merryl Kyburz 33 pts.

NTP 11th Karen Bellamy. Thank you Roma Johnson for donating the raffle won by Lyn Reilly.

June is filled with interesting competitions including Monthly Medal, Urunga Open Day, Peter Kyburz Memorial Day, “Queens” Stableford, Pennants and other Open Days.

Be sure to nominate on the invitations pinned on the notice board or advise Marian Brading of your intentions. Visits to other clubs are always fun days, a good way to meet other golfers and play their courses. Pro Terry can advise of comps he is running and can provide lessons, clothing, equipment and accessories.

New members and players are always welcome at this very friendly club so come along and make yourself known.

The course is looking a picture. If any ladies are able to play Pennants on a Monday, please advise Merryl as subs are needed to fill in occasionally.

By Marilyn ELY

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