Rodney Kerr opinion on Councillor Arrnott is ‘Loose Lips Sink Ships”



Dear News Of The Area,

In response to your story “Gagged” News Of The Area 11 April 2019, the Code of Conduct is there for a reason.

This is where experience counts. Unfortunately young Cr Arnott has not had the benefit of experience and obviously does not understand the damage of “loose lips sink ships”.

Rodney Kerr

One thought on “Rodney Kerr opinion on Councillor Arrnott is ‘Loose Lips Sink Ships”

  1. Not a problem if the ship needs to be sunk. Cr Arnott clearly cares about his constituents which is more than can be said for the rest of the council. Particularly you Rod Kerr who pushed ahead with a rate rise that no one wanted. A council that cost its rate payers millions in legal costs when you had been advised it was an unwinable legal battle. Sink the ship CR Arnott. It’s full of leaks!

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