Robert Dwyer claims victory in Port Macquarie by-election

The soon-to-be Member for Port Macquarie, Robert Dwyer.

ROBERT Dwyer and the NSW Liberal Party have declared victory in the Port Macquarie state by-election, with the Laurieton United Services Club General Manager set to become the region’s next Member of Parliament.

Mr Dwyer announced his win on Monday, 17 March via social media, expressing gratitude to the community for their support.

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“I’m honoured to have been elected as the next Member for Port Macquarie,” Mr Dwyer wrote.

“Thank you to our community for your support and for trusting me to continue Leslie Williams’ hard work for our region.

“It’s a privilege to represent you, and I’m eager to get started.”

As of 5:24pm on Tuesday, 18 March, Mr Dwyer had secured 53.3 percent of the two-party preferred (TPP) vote.

While a narrower margin than his predecessor, the result effectively leaves no pathway to victory for any other candidate.

NSW Liberal Leader Mark Speakman also claimed victory on social media in a post on Monday.

“It’s now confirmed that the Liberals’ Robert Dwyer has won the Port Macquarie byelection, replacing outstanding retiring MP Leslie Williams.

“This is the first time a non-incumbent Liberal has won the seat.”

The NSW Electoral Commission is expected to formally declare the result on 31 March.

Mr Dwyer’s campaign focused on fixing the Wrights Road roundabout, improving local healthcare, and addressing crime in the community.

The by-election saw six candidates contest the seat, with the biggest challenge coming from the National Party’s Sean Gleeson, a beef cattle farmer from Hannam Vale.

Mr Gleeson’s candidacy followed internal controversy within the National Party, after their state executive failed to endorse their initial pick, local GP Dr Warwick Yonge.

Dr Yonge subsequently ran as an independent candidate.

Traditionally a conservative seat, this by-election marks the second time the Liberal and National parties have gone head-to-head.

While Mr Dwyer’s victory continues Liberal representation in Port Macquarie, his slim margin suggests the Nationals will likely mount another challenge to reclaim the seat in the 2027 NSW state election.

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