Roads on the mend at Bulahdelah, Stroud and Tea Gardens region

Markwell Road at Bulahdelah.
Markwell Road at Bulahdelah.


WHILE MidCoast Council road crews have been busy across the entire MidCoast region, a recap of what’s happening down south highlights a host of welcome improvements for southern local government area.

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From Nabiac down to Hawks Nest, and out to Stroud Road, an intensive program of works over the past 6 months has seen local communities enjoying smoother, safer roads. Projects that include major rehabilitation works, through to sealing of gravel roads, are all part of MidCoast Council’s focus on improving the region’s transport network.

Recently completed works in Guya Street, Winda Woppa involved reconstructing and widening a 100m section, providing safer access for locals to popular Jimmys Beach. In Stroud Road, a 315m section of Reidsdale Road was rehabilitated late last year by widening and resurfacing the road pavement, and improving roadside drainage. And in Tea Gardens, rehabilitation of a 380m section of Boondelbah Road has recently been completed.

Significant improvements to Coomba Road in Coomba Park have been undertaken, with two projects that will collectively rehabilitate a stretch of almost 1km. Most recently the section between Warramutty Street North and Coolangatta Street is being widened by 1.5 metres, while drainage improvements include the replacement of several culverts. Finishing touches will be applied in the coming weeks.

“This year we’ve been able to invest more into our maintenance and renewals programs than ever before, and it’s great to see local communities from all corners of the region enjoying the benefits”, said Rhett Pattison, MidCoast Council’s Manager, Projects and Engineering.

Also down south, almost 700m of gravel roads have been upgraded to bitumen seal in areas including Nabiac, Stroud, Bulahdelah, and recently in Warri Street Pindimar.

Works currently underway in Markwell Road, Bulahdelah involve a 2.3km road reconstruction and replacement of damaged culverts, delivering safety outcomes for local motorists and improved roadside drainage.

“Our approach is very much about applying techniques that extend the life of our roads, which in turn assists in minimising ongoing maintenance costs”, Rhett added.

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