Retail theft in NSW back to pre-pandemic levels

LATEST recorded crime statistics released by the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR) show that in the first half of 2023, retail theft returned to, but did not exceed, pre-pandemic levels.

As with many property crimes, retail theft fell substantially during the pandemic.

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In the last two years to June 2023, recorded incidents of retail theft recovered faster than any other property crime, increasing 48 percent from 2021/22 to 2022/23.

Commenting on the findings, BOCSAR Executive Director, Jackie Fitzgerald, said incidents of retail theft fell dramatically coincident with the first COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020, and increased steadily from late-2021.

“There have been concerns that high inflation and rising cost of living have triggered a surge in shoplifting, but the view of retail theft presented by Police data does not support this.

“If emerging external factors like cost of living were driving an increase in retail theft, we would expect theft volumes to be noticeably higher than pre-pandemic levels”.

From January to June 2023, recorded incidents of retail theft in regional NSW were equivalent with (and not above) 2019 figures.

The item most frequently reported stolen in retail theft incidents continues to be Liquor, particularly bourbon, whiskey, and vodka, followed by clothing.

While young people aged fourteen to seventeen years have the highest rate of prosecutions for retail theft by population, they account for only fifteen percent of all legal actions.

In 2022/23, men accounted for 59 percent of legal actions for retail theft.

“The average value of items stolen in retail theft incidents reported to Police in 2022/23 was $440,” Jackie said.

“While still a male-dominated crime, females account for approximately 41 percent of all retail theft offenders which is more than most offences.

“85 percent of retail theft offenders are adults, although the rate of participation in retail theft is highest among young people aged fourteen to seventeen years.”

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