Resilience Exhibition Opens At Phoenix Gallery

Sally Hook, Ceramic Artist and exhibitor.


THE Phoenix Gallery celebrated the opening of the Resilience: Advancing Despite Adversity Exhibition on Saturday, November 20 with a wonderful showing of community support.

Paul Miller, Art Teacher and Gallery Curator said, “By looking deep through the eyes of an artist, a creator, a maker, this exhibition aims to promote resilience for both individuals and community by sharing the experience of living and working in this region.

“Through economic downturn, drought, fires, floods and now a pandemic our creators have had much time to reflect, consider and draw conclusions from their own and shared experiences.

“Their experiences are what this exhibition is made of and these works contain many layers of thought, process and consideration, not just the considerations of what is obvious and stated but also the layers of meaning that we share by living on this land, in this region and by living in a society made of many cultures and belief systems.”

Councillor Uncle Martin Ballangarry OAM brought his own dynamic style by opening the celebrations with a Welcome to Country.

Pippa Tabone, Phoenix Coordinator, thanked the artists and community for taking part in this day of celebrations.

“The exhibition marks the two-year anniversary of our ravaging bushfire event and the one-year anniversary of reopening of Nambucca Valley Phoenix,” said Pippa.

Paul Miller said, “I invite you to take the time to look and reflect upon these works and reflect upon what has transpired over the last few years for the artists, for yourselves, your family, friends and beyond.

“I’m very proud of the work displayed here today, and for three of our students it’s the first time they have exhibited their work.”

The ten artists portraying their experiences in this beautiful exhibition are Brentyn Lugnan, Denise Delaney, Sarah Wade, Villly Berkhof-Ober, Julie Nash, Pam Levy, Sally Hook, Georgia Barker, Nick Warfield, and Paul Miller.

Sally Hook said, “I’ve been a ceramic artist for the last 40 years and started out with classes at the Old School House at Tewinga in 1980, and have worked in China, Turkey and France.”

Villy Berkhof-Ober, Pam Levy and Georgina Baker all live in Hyland Park, Nambucca Heads and have been participating in drawing and painting classes at Phoenix.

All three are first time exhibitors.

The classes have brought the three of them together in the making of art and the expanding of friendships.

Villy Berkhof-Ober said, “I’ve really enjoyed the classes, I’ve made new friends, and we’ve now formed our own little group.”

The Phoenix School at Bowraville offers a wide range of arts courses taught by professional artists and qualified adult educators.

The Gallery and Cafe are open Wednesday to Friday 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.

The Open Arts Programs are for all members of the community while the Ability Arts Courses are disability focused.

For more information contact Nambucca Heads Phoenix on 6501 0021 or at




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