Residents called to review MidCoast Community Strategic Plan 2030

Residents are being invited to review Council’s long term community strategic plan.


ALL MidCoast residents are being invited to review Council’s long term community strategic plan to ensure it continues to meet changing needs and realise its vision.

The MidCoast Community Strategic Plan 2030 – Shared Vision, Shared Responsibility was developed in 2018, after consultation with MidCoast locals right across our region.

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The plan is the community’s blueprint for the MidCoast’s future, and outlines your identified vision, priorities and actions by which we’ll achieve the vision statement of ‘we strive to be recognised as a place of unique environmental and cultural significance. Our strong community connection, coupled with our innovative development and growing economy, builds the quality of life we value’.

It’s an important plan that guides Council in developing its four year delivery plans and annual operational plans – all focussed on achieving the priorities and actions that you identify in the community strategic plan.

MidCoast Council’s General Manager Adrian Panuccio said, “The community strategic plan 2030 is our focus for the future – but over time things can change, and new priorities can emerge.

“We know that since the community developed the plan in 2018 we’ve experienced a range of events that have impacted us, from an unprecedented drought, to bushfires, pandemic and then floods.

“With any long term plan, it’s important to review regularly – to ensure that adjustments to changing conditions are made to keep the plan on track.”

Council is now calling on residents to provide feedback on whether the community vision for 2030 still resonates with you, what has changed since 2018 and whether they need to pivot or adjust the actions and strategies in the plan to achieve our vision for 2030.

While the current public health orders prevent us from holding engagement activities in person, Council has created a range of feedback opportunities so that everyone can participate from home, on our Have your Say page at:

There’s opportunities to spend just five minutes or less completing a quick quiz which is suitable for all ages, or take a deeper dive into the plan and comment on its priorities and actions.

“If the public health order changes and we are permitted to organise some pop-up engagement events, we’ll let you know and we’ll certainly be very happy to be able to meet with communities across the MidCoast again,” added Mr Panuccio.

If you’re not online, you can still have your say on your plan by postal submission, addressed to: General Manager MidCoast Council, Yalawanyi Ganya, 2 Biripi Way, Taree 2430.

The consultation will close on Friday 15 October.

Please contact Council on 7955 7777 for further information.

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