REHABILITATION works at Cabbage Tree Road, Williamtown have been completed by Port Stephens Council ahead of time and within budget.

The works, which were undertaken on behalf of Roads and Maritime Services (RMS), saw Cabbage Tree Road closed to westbound traffic for approximately six weeks.
Phil Miles, Council’s Capital Works Section Manager, says this is a positive result for residents and ratepayers.
“I’m impressed with the way our crew worked hard to complete the road rehabilitation ahead of schedule, so as to cause as little disruption as possible to residents, workers and commuters,” Mr Miles said.
“I want to thank the residents of Williamtown, who were extremely patient and cooperative with us throughout the works and ultimately helped to achieve this positive outcome,” he added.
Mr Miles said that while the rehabilitation works are now complete, they will require further attention next year.
“As part of rehabilitating a road, we place the initial seal now and then put an additional seal down in 12 months’ time.
This gives the road time to settle, leading to a more consistent finish and a smoother drive in the long run,” he said.