Regional Doubles and Singles Golf Croquet Carnival at Sawtell Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - November 23, 2022 Winners and runners up of the inaugural Coffs Coast Regional Doubles and Singles Golf Croquet Carnival. THE inaugural Coffs Coast Regional Doubles and Singles Golf Croquet competition brought a blaze of colour to Sawtell courts recently. Players from South West Rocks, Smithtown, Urunga, Sawtell, Woolgoolga and Coutts Crossing stun shot, roqueted and jumped their way around the course for three days. The idea of a regional Championship was the brainchild of Catherine Waters, a member of both Urunga and Sawtell croquet clubs, and a pennants representative who saw a need to further develop a sense of community amongst the region’s croquet clubs. In the doubles championship Block A Winners were Paul Schofield and Simon Cook (Coutts Crossing). Runners up were Catherine and Peter Waters (Urunga). Block B Winners were Maree Grant and Robyn Buckingham (Sawtell). Runners up were Narelle and Terry Wright (Coutts Crossing). In the Singles Championship; Block A Winner was Peter Waters (Urunga); runner up was Gaylene Humphries (Sawtell). Block B Winner was Catherine Waters (Urunga), and runner up was Max Gleeson (Smithtown). Block C Winner was Alex Chapman (Urunga) and runner up was Royce Wilson (Coutts Crossing). Block D winner was Sandra Keating (Woolgoolga) with Ken Lloyd (Urunga) runner up.