Real life consultations for SCU health care students

SCU third-year Speech Pathology student Sophie Cross is learning real-life skills with patients attending the Coffs Harbour Education Campus clinic.

THE Southern Cross University Health Clinic at the Coffs Harbour Education Campus (CHEC) is providing a quality and dedicated paediatric Speech Pathology clinic at set times during the year.

SCU Health Clinic Manager Brenda Allan said the clinics are essential for providing students with real life opportunities for clinical education, research and practical experience in the healthcare industry.

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“For anyone receiving treatment at Southern Cross University Health Clinic, your practitioner will be a senior student who is closely supervised by a fully qualified and accredited practitioner,” she said.

“Senior students work closely with their supervisor and together make decisions about each patient’s health care, offer advice and identify appropriate treatment.

“Our clinics are very welcoming and friendly with empathy and compassion front and centre for the people we serve.”

For three-year-old Oliver, attending the speech clinic at SCU’s Coffs Harbour campus has become a highlight of his week.

His dad Adam Bollinger said the student-led clinic has exceeded the family’s expectations with professionalism, easy access and good location.

“My wife found out about the clinic at Southern Cross around the same time she had become a bit concerned about a delay in Oliver’s speech,” Adam told News Of The Area.

“We’ve been attending the clinic for about four weeks now with third-year Speech Pathology student Sophie Cross, and we’ve already noticed a significant improvement with Oliver’s speech.

“We met Sophie’s supervisor Melissa Kemp the first week, and since then Sophie hosts the session from start to finish and we receive a report soon after.

“The sessions include intentionally focussing on his words and game-based play and different activities trying to identify objects and speaking things through, which Oliver really enjoys.

“We’ve had a great experience with Sophie and have received some helpful activities to do at home with Oliver.”

The next Speech Pathology clinic at Southern Cross University Health Clinic Coffs Harbour will begin mid-July, with a waitlist now available.

Speech Pathology initial consultations are $30, with return visits costing $25.

No referrals are needed.

For enquiries, please phone 02 6626 9131.


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