Raymond Terrace Lions donate essential goods to Hunter families in need

We Care Connect founder and CEO Derryck Klarkowski with Lions members Alison, Phill, Marilyn and Club President Kate Moore.

AS the cost-of-living crisis continues to hit across Port Stephens, the Raymond Terrace Lions Club are doing their bit to make life a little easier for impacted families.

The local Lions Club recently completed a drop off of donations to We Care Connect, a Hunter-based charity which rehomes essential children’s items to families who need them most.

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Annette Clark of the Raymond Terrace Lions Club told News Of The Area, “This volunteer-led model delivers a practical, in-demand service that benefits families in poverty by providing high-quality, essential childhood equipment and supplies through a network of agencies and case workers.

“They provide local disadvantaged children with practical items to reverse the impact of childhood poverty.”

We Care Connect is now partnered with about 250 case workers, and supports neighbourhood and community centres, family support agencies, schools, and student support officers.
“Everything they give is part of a total package of care.

“It’s not just a shirt, it’s not just a car seat – it’s the professional support that goes with it to help break the cycle of poverty,” she said.

We Care Connect founder and CEO Derryck Klarkowski said the demand in Raymond Terrace ranks the highest in the Hunter.

“Never has the need been higher in our region,” he said.

It took three vehicles to deliver all the goods the Raymond Terrace Lions have put together for donation.

“It was a privilege to be able to use some of the money raised in this region to purchase warm clothing, underwear, toiletries, and doonas for children aged from three to twelve years,” Annette said.

“We were able to add in some basic craft items for the children, colouring in books, crayons, Play dough and glider planes.”

The donation was very timely and warmly received.

Only one more single doona was left on the shelf.

The Maitland Patchwork Quilters also donated five handmade quilts.

“They are sure to make some child’s day much warmer and happier – we thank them sincerely,” Annette said.


Some of the items donated by the Lions to We Care Connect.

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