Rally for Hunter family after North Arm Cove house fire

In the wake of the devastating fire that destroyed the North Arm Cove home of the Hunter family, a group of friends have come together to help rebuild their lives.

Jenny Hyde for project Hunter copy
Jenny Hyde for project Hunter copy

Jenny Hyde, Jess O’Brien, Nicole Jacobsen and Rachel Vaughan have formed Project Hunter which will try to assist the family after they lost everything in the fire.

A fundraiser is to be held at Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Surf Club on Saturday 9 May kicking off at 3.00pm with live music, auctions and raffles part of a full afternoons entertainment.

There is an event on Facebook,  Project Hunter, with information on how to help.

Jenny Hyde from Tile Rescue Hawks Nest said, “The response has been great from the community and local businesses with their generosity being unbelievable.”

A big thank you goes out to the following businesses with hopefully more to come:

Aussie Bush Camp, Tea Gardens Bakehouse, BT’s Fashion, Allana’s Boutique, Ross Fidden, Benchmark, Ella’s Boutique, Hook and Cook, John and Nola at the Laundromat and the Tea Gardens Hotel.

The Hunter family have lost everything they owned and I know this great community will pull together and help to get them back on their feet.

Not only possessions were lost but they have to cope with a sister and her nine week old child both away in burns units in Sydney recovering.

For further information on how to get involved or help with donations call Jenny Hyde on 0414976286 or Nicole Jacobsen on 0432583566.

Tickets are available for twenty dollars a head or gold coin donation for children from the above contacts.


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