Providing seniors with Christmas presents on the Coffs Coast

L-r: Anne, Shirley, Linda, Cindy and Margaret (both standing), Sharon and Maryanne. Photo: Jasmine.


THE Paying It Forward Seniors Christmas Gifting project has had its second packing day with more than two hundred gifts wrapped and tagged.

The initiative is an idea brought to fruition by Coffs Harbour local, Margaret Schumacher.

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“In July Mrs Claus Coffs Coast (me) was talking to a man who cares for the elderly in our community, and he mentioned that some of the elderly don’t receive Christmas gifts,” Margaret told News Of The Area.

“From that small conversation an idea grew… the Paying it Forward Seniors Christmas Gifting.”

The first Facebook post asking for donations of new gifts for senior males and females received a very positive response.

“We received messages and phone calls asking what was needed.

“Members offered to design and craft gift tags, gift wrapping paper was donated, labels for gifts were designed.

“Another member offered to make Worry Worms and my husband made 200 Believe Bells.

“Another member eagerly offered to make Christmas masks.”

Members donated wool and Christmas material.

The gifts were purchased with love, said Margaret, “with thoughts of grandparents, parents and elderly friends that were no longer with us”.

In just over six weeks the Schumacher’s spare room was overtaken by bags and boxes of gifts.

A decision was made to commence packing early and close off the donation date earlier than anticipated.

Round One Packing Day arrived.

“In three-and-a-half hours we wrapped, tagged and boxed 110 gifts.

“These gifts were gratefully accepted by the Nambucca Pacifica Nursing Home.”

Round Two Packing Day was set for Saturday 16 October.

“Members eagerly offer to help pack and wrap.

“Daily donations arrived with members passing each other on our driveway.

“I sat and talked to people who were donating gifts in memory of their Mum or Dad.

“I listened to their memories.

“A few tears were shed.”

Once again Margaret hosted the packing session which brought members and family to her home laden with gifts of wrapping paper.

“We wrapped 217 gifts.

“We had fun and our hearts are happy,” said Margaret.

These gifts will be donated to Coffs Harbour Home Care who will give gifts to their clients and be delivered by their staff.




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